Celebrating Shared Parenting Day

April 26 is Shared Parenting Day, commemorating the enactment of the nation’s first explicit equal shared parenting law in Kentucky on April 26, 2018. This year, there is much that we can celebrate. Here are some highlights.

National Parents Organization marks the year’s Shared Parenting Day with several important announcements.

  • Shared Parenting Polling: In 20 states, NPO has commissioned polling by a respected, independent polling company to determine public attitudes toward shared parenting. The results have shown overwhelming support not only for shared parenting but for the establishment of a rebuttable legal presumption in favor of shared parenting. These results are powerful tools for persuading legislators to enact shared parenting laws.  Today, we announce the commissioning of shared parenting surveys in 4 additional states: Colorado, Iowa, North Carolina and Wyoming..

  • NPO Ned Holstein Shared Parenting Research Awards: NPO grounds its advocacy for shared parenting on the most compelling scientific research available. To highlight the best of this large body of research, NPO has created two shared parenting research awards, both named in honor of Ned Holstein, the founder and Chairman Emeritus, of NPO.

Today, I’m delighted to report that NPO has awarded the 2021 NPO Ned Holstein Shared Parenting Research Award to Professor Sanford Braver and Professor Ashley Votruba for their groundbreaking research reported in the excellent article, “Does Shared Parenting “Cause” Children’s Better Outcomes?”

NPO has awarded the first two NPO Ned Holstein Shared Parenting Research Lifetime Achievement Awards. The very well-deserving recipients are Professor Sanford Braver and Professor Michael Lamb.  Please visit this page for more information on the important research on which these awards are based. While NPO is well aware that there are other researchers deserving of this lifetime achievement award, we don’t believe there are any others who are more deserving of this honor than Professors Braver and Lamb.

Shared parenting is coming. State by state, we’re making a difference in the lives of families. Help NPO accelerate the pace of change so that no child is deprived of a full relationship with a loving and fit parent just because the child's parents are living apart.


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